Is Your Child Water-Safe This Summer? How School Holiday Swimming Programs Can Help - State Swim Singapore


Is Your Child Water-Safe This Summer? How School Holiday Swimming Programs Can Help


Looking for a fun and active way for your kids to spend their school holiday? Our SwimVac program is the answer! They’ll have a blast while learning essential swimming skills and building their confidence in the water.

Singapore summers are awesome for pool days and beach trips! But as parents, water safety is always at the top of my mind (and rightly so!). SwimVac isn’t just about having fun – it’s about giving your child the skills and knowledge to stay safer in and around water.

4 Reasons School Holiday Swim Programs = Happy Kids (and Happy Parents!)

From nervous newbies to confident swimmers, here’s how our holiday programs transforms kids’ water skills in record time:

  • Skills on Speed-Dial: Forget once-a-week progress. Daily lessons mean more than a month of classes are packed into a week.

  • Level Up Fast: More time in the water equals faster progress. Watch your swimmers master new moves and earn Merit Awards and Certificates.

  • Confidence Growth: Our program builds water smarts AND happy memories. Great for first-timers and those ready to take it to the next level.

  • The Perfect Trial: Not sure where to sign up for regular lessons? SwimVac lets you test the waters (pun intended!).

SwimVac: More Than Just Skills and Safety

While safety is always our priority, SwimVac is also a great way for kids to:

  • Make new friends and have fun in a supportive environment.

  • Receive personalized attention from our qualified instructors.

  • Progress at their own pace, building confidence with every stroke

Peace of mind for YOU:

Knowing your child has strong swimming skills isn’t just about fun – it offers vital protection. SwimVac can help you relax those little bit more this summer, knowing they’re better prepared.

Want to boost safety AND skills?

Learn more about our SwimVac program and watch for upcoming enrollment dates!

Enroll in Our June Programs Today & Unlock 30% Savings
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